The Arlington High School Alumni Association
Distinguished Colt Alumni

To nominate a Distinguished Colt Alumnus or Alumna
follow link to DCA Nomination Form

In 1997, the AHS Alumni Association began honoring former students or “Colts by Choice” with the Distinguished Colt Alumni Award. A call for nominations goes out early in the year with selections honored Homecoming weekend at both the pep rally and Alumni Open House.

The list of honorees posted on this page includes Colts who have supported Arlington High students and staff and its Alumni Association with dues, donations, time, and energy. The goal, of course, is to keep AHS First Here, Best Here!

Distinguished Colts can also be those whose significant career accomplishments have brought honor to Arlington and to Arlington High School. For your nominee to be selected, the board members, who may or may not know your candidate, must see from your nomination in what ways your nominee has shown the Spirit * Pride * Tradition of AHS after leaving high school.

Nominations for 2024 must be received by May 1.
Posthumous awards can be given with a limit of one/year.

DCA Recipient 2001 - Jane Robin Ellis

Distinguished COLTS - 2009
Phyllis Forehand, Paul Swartz, Jannette Workman,
Kent Cherry, James “Brad” Bradley

Brad Bradley,'39 - DCA 2009

DCA Recipients 2013
Don Mebus '62, Fran Ditto Jennings '48, (also shown)
Carolyn Mebus, Ana Pettit '74, AHS Alumni President,
and Lil Arlie!

DCA Receipients 2015
Bowie Hogg, ‘96
Jennifer Hilton Sampson, ‘88

Randy Ford, ‘67
Ross Menger, ‘67

Distinguished COLTS 2014
John Gardner, Tanya Terrell- Weideman, Stevie Hansen,
Erin Chaney

Distinguished COLTS 2018
Micah Green, Verne Hargrave, Roger Weed, Gary Ward (standing in for his late brother Rusty), Sharon Merrill

Distinguished COLTS 2019
Anna Pettit, John Ball Nelson, Margie Bryant, Jo McGovern,
Gwynethe Lewis

Distinguished COLTS 2022
Gary Johnson, Doug Engle, Larry Thomas, Gwen Burk,
Debbie Ericson

The first DCA recipients,
Tom and Anna Waynette Smith Vandergriff

Tom Vandergriff, ‘43
AnnaWaynette Smith Vandergriff, ‘44

Tom Cravens, ‘60
Barbara Nash Kight, ‘57

Bill Bardin, ‘24
Cathy Bontley Brown, ‘63

Greg Friess, ‘71
Jane Crews Friess, 71

Michael Ditto, ‘55
Jane Robin Ellis, Colt By Choice
Robert Perry Mills, Jr, ’59, posthumous
Natalee Davis Parr, ‘28

Tillie Lester Burgin, ‘54
Carl Knox, ‘40
Philip Stork, ‘49
Dean Corey, posthumous

Robert Fielder, posthumous
Beverly Bohannon Reynolds, ‘48
Gene Schrickel, ’44
John Webb, Colt By Choice

Margie Austin, Colt By Choice
William Conner, ‘36
Gary Martin, 53
Frank Smith, ‘43
Kathleen Bradford Smith, ‘51

Alan Austin, ‘69
Ben Pierce, ‘72
Anne Ross Berg Seldon, ‘53
Ernest Wilemon, ‘43
Kathryn Taylor Wilemon, ‘55

Charlie Key, ’59, posthumous
Charles Marshall, ‘51
Wanda Roberson Marshall, ‘49
Dorothy Thornton Rencurrel, ‘49
Mike Wade, ‘76
Mayfield Workman,  Colt By Choice

Tom DeFrank '63
Bill Hughes '48
Dinah Dalton Menger '77

James Adams CBC
James Ditto, '48
Martha Wiggins Moseley, '66
Alvin Moseley, '65

James "Brad" Bradley, '39
Kent Cherry, '52
Phyllis Hargrave Forehand, '51
Paul Swartz, '69
Jannette Workman, '54

Jim Ball, '59
Owen Ivie, '43
Jeff Dalton, '80
Neel Kearby, '28

Mac Martin, '61
Peggy Wood Martin, '66 
Robert Miles, '57
Geraldine Nash Mills, '59
Barton Thompson, '51

Cari Fitzgerald Cook, '70
Dr. Mike Enger, '74
Buddie Hrabal, '64
Doland Maner, '40

Fran Ditto Jennings, ‘48
Don Mebus, ‘62

Erin Hawkes Chaney, ‘64
John Gardner, ‘57
Stevie Campbell Hansen, ‘62
Tanya Terrell-Weideman, ‘81

Randy Ford, ‘67
Bowie Hogg, ‘96
Ross Menger, ‘67
Jennifer Hilton Sampson, ‘88

Jimmy Ray Glasgow, '75
Beth Hentze Owens, '85
Lee Sweeney, '71
Jack Wages, ‘56
Delouris McCarrell Wages, '56

Scott Bowden, '69
Gary Cartwright, '51
Linda Garner Gipson, '61
Rex Latham, '61
Dan Rash, '69

Micah Green, '01
Verne Hargrave, '68
Sharron Chapman Merrill, '61
Rusty Ward, '69
Roger Weed, '61
Morgan Woodard, '44

John Ball, '65
Margie Ferguson Bryant, '48
Mickey Bryce, '74
Gwynethe Reddy Lewis, '76
Ella Jo Colliflower McGovern, '66
Anna Pettit, '74

Susie Einhaus Greenwood, ‘79
Chris Hightower ‘90
Kay King, ‘62
Steve Morris, ‘80
Hunter Pence, ‘01
Faye Snow Reeder, ‘65
Jim Reeder, ‘65
Jim Risher, ‘60
Kirk Thomas, ‘72

Truman Bryce, ‘45
Kitty Lee Bryce, ‘50
Gwen Chipman Burk, ‘51
Larry Thomas, ‘60
Debbie Koehl Ericson, ‘68
Doug Engle, ‘78
Gary Johnson, ‘81

Ricky Brown, ‘95
David Love, ’63, posthumous
Kurt Meyer, ‘53
Bonnie Smith Petsche, ‘81
Beth Anne McGovern Woodard, ‘88

Jeannie Panton Deakyne, ‘93
Jim Duppstadt, ‘63
Kathy Einhaus, ‘68
Nick Walker, ‘71
Rhonda Davis Whalen, ’62, posthumous
Rex Schimpf, ‘77

For bio information about previous DCA recipients, please visit our



Giving back to AHS and promoting the Spirit,

Pride and Tradition of Colts - past, present and future.

How Sweet It Is
To Be Back In Colt Country!